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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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like a big feel to this. you feel like you are in battle creek, michigan in 1963. >> you look at a little town in michigan with two gigantic cereal companies that hate each other. it is a perfect comedic setup. none of it makes sense. we all know that it was true. they were in battle creek, michigan. the name of the town is battle creek. it was there. >> the story writes itself. >> it's a love story. >> it is a love story. >> there is a love story. >> it is america's love of sugar. >> that is all the time we have this weekend. we are back tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern kicking off a new week of morning joe. until then, enjoy the rest of the week!
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good morning. it is sunday, may 5th. we have symone and michael in washington d.c. this morning, donald trump delivers unhinged remarks to donors in florida attacking federal prosecutors and comparing the biden administration to nazis. >> the presidential medal of freedom recipient congressman jim clyburn joins us after another busy week in court after the criminal trial resumes tomorrow morning in new york. to get your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend. . take a deep breath, friends. the 2024 election is exactly six months away. donald trump's increasingly bizarre behavior was on full display saturday embraced by the republican party. nbc news reports that at the
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rnc spring meeting in florida, trump called special counsel jack smith deranged and an evil thug. and compare the biden administration to the secret police force of nazi germany saying, these people are running a gestapo administration. and started with the recording of the national anthem performed by none other than the jailed january 6th defendants. all this behavior condoned by gop leaders in the event many vying to be trump's vp pick. joining us from the gop communications director, a senior advisor at the lincoln project and our invested bc political analyst who served as the under secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs. >> good morning, guys. quick question to you. i think you have seen convergence, the rnc and donald trump, the whole idea that they january 6 insurrectionists are
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good people. they can use the prison choir to sing trump on to the stage. it is sort of the completion of the pueblo that donald trump has established about january 6th now that it is bought into by the interest within the rnc. >> it is pretty outrageous, michael, when we watch this. but not surprising. he has been talking like this for quite some time. this isn't new. it's just that now that we are six months away from the election, we are paying more attention to the things that donald trump has been saying. he has been consistent about this. they january 6th choir singing the national anthem has been playing at his rallies for months now and the fact that he is embracing them as patriots and the republican party seems to be just fine with that, you had jd vance who was also on an audition torch to be vp blowing it off as if it is not a big
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deal and it was not that much violence and everyone was obsessed with this. what an insult to the police officers and the secret service agents protecting him that day. it is clear the republican party made a calculation. they are okay with donald trump rewriting history and trying to whitewash what happened that day and they are trying to dismiss his consistent use of violence, rhetoric, political violent rhetoric in order to achieve his goals, to whip up his people and try to convince people that what we are seeing him do and what he is talking about and what he has done before is somehow okay. that is the biden admin station doing that and not may. it is projection all the time. but this is what he is running on. this is the contrast. i'm glad people are starting to pay attention because we need to believe what he says. trump is telling us what he is going to do every day. look at what we saw the last week. the time magazine article to
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his unhinged rant last night. he is listing what he plans to do and a lot of that sounds like that and not with the biden administration is trying to do which is protect our democracy. >> i'm just going to read from the nbc article of what donald trump said because people should know. and again, i would like to preface everything with, not true. gestapo administration trump said according to the audio. it is the only thing they have and the only way they will turn 40 in opinion. when i got indicted, i said the gloves have to come off trump added saying biden is the worst president in the history of our country. he is grossly incompetent and he accepts massive amounts of money from china, russia, ukraine and other countries. he is a crook. richard, -- and he also added that he does not let his legal troubles bother him too much. if you care too much, you tend to choke. in a way, i don't care.
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life is life. the piece about being crooked as he double hockey sticks, i find interesting because we know from congressional work of the oversight committee, not the republicans oversight committee but the democrats, asking about donald trump's massive amounts of money that came to a number of his businesses when he was president. and among them from places like china and folks in saudi arabia. when you hear that the former president of the united states is saying things like this to donors and party leaders and nobody is objecting, what does it make you think about where we are going? >> it is not a good direction. one of the things i have noticed over the last six months or so is this kind of
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-- what psychologists call mirroring behavior on the part of trump and the gop where they are actually taking the language from progressives and liberals and accusing trump of having been a terrible president. maybe the worst president. he took all kinds of money from abroad. his daughter got dozens of patents from china while he was in the white house. and he is and capable of actually having an argument that is rational or logical. he has always been the person who just responds with the same insult. remember the debate with hillary when she said, you are a puppet of russia. and she says, you are the puppet pick that is the kind of behavior he is only capable of. and in the trial, when the judge said, you would probably like to have to go to prison, and he said i would like to go to prison. he is only capable of that 6th grade level response and epithet. the whole party now is doing that. and what we are talking about is something that comes straight from the authoritarian
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playbook to besmirch the legal system and use the symbols of the country to turn it around in the opposite way and we are seeing that across the entire republican party as well as his own campaign. and by the way, it is not a terrible response in the sense that it takes democrats to figure out how we have to indict them in a way where we are not just using the epithet and and sold but actually showing how corrupt they are? >> as my friend michael steele often reminds me, there is trump and there are all of the republicans carrying his water. they were happy to get on stage with him and hear themselves in america's next top vp pick. he praised elise stefanik for her role and praised claudine saying you destroyed her for jd vance. and he said, he used to be my
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critic but turned out to be an incredible. he says scott, was not a great presidential pig but as a surrogate, unbelievable. marco rubio, a talented guy. he is flirting with each of them in front of the others and they are willing to allow it to happen. and in order to stay on the stage and stay in this vp mix, they are willing to carry the worst of his authoritarian tendencies. >> yes. they are despicable hypocrites. they are the worst people because donald trump could not become who he has become, the malignancy of trump's because i kept sm would not have been able to spread without them. for the historians, they will appreciate what happened during world war ii. they are the worst kind because they know better. none of them -- he went down the list. marco rubio, jd vance, elise stefanik. they were critical of donald
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trump when they were being honest and thought the rest of the party would follow them. because they said, they called him out for what he was. when the party made the decision to go along with this for political expediency, they created a frankenstein monster that they cannot turn back on. they have to go along in order to maintain political relevance. that is the problem here. they are putting their party over the country and over principal. at this point, over free and fair elections going forward. they know what kind of a monster donald trump is. they know he is off of his rocker and unhinged in what he plans to do is surround himself with people who could execute at this time unlike the last time whenever guardrails. they know this but they don't care. and it is important that democrats continue to call them out. i'm glad to see president biden is starting to do that and his campaign is doing that. that is fantastic.
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the democratic party speaks in one voice, constantly calling this out. as the american people pay attention more and more, they need to see what the republican party actually stands for. and it sure as hell isn't for women's rights or minority rights or free markets. it isn't for strong, national defense. it isn't for america being the leader of the free world in democracies. it isn't. it has become an apologist party for hooton and one that wants to regress back to times that nobody in this country wants to go back to and that doesn't include a lot of people that look like me, symone or michael. >> it's crazy. and yet, there is still a campaign. it is still competitive. they are saying minnesota and virginia they believe are in play for donald trump this cycle, probably virginia. >> i'm thing i'm sure a lot of things are in play for donald trump just as they are for joe
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biden which requires you actually run the campaign. that will be part of the problem. they don't have the resources on the ground. one of the senior lawyers quit because he wasn't bending the knee fast enough or soon enough at the rnc. and that speaks to a lot of things to put on the table. one aspect of this to me is the most disturbing and occurred at this dinner as well. were trump said he would allow anybody that donated $1 million on the spot to come up on the stage to be with him on the stage. so you have to put of a million dollars to be on the stage with him. two people took him up on the offer including one woman who declared donald trump is the person that god has chosen. i don't know how sunday school works for her but that aspect of this conversation to me is
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always problematic. when you see this sort of convergence of politics and religion around donald trump, what does that say narratively about this campaign and what we can anticipate as this thing unfolds over the next six months? >> michael, it is a form of populism as you know. uniting the flag and the cross that is something we have seen in the past in american history. and it is kind of diabolical. the other irony of course is that trump talks about and has talked about, since 2016, cleaning up the swamp. he is the personification of the swamp. inviting people who would get a million dollars on the spot to come up there and pose with him shows the influence of money in politics that he only cares about money. this is the kind of thing that is pernicious and the american system and it does appeal to certain people and i think again, the democrats have to figure out a way to basically indict him for his incompetence
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and to share the stuff that the democratic party is doing for the country. biden was in north carolina last week talking about $7 billion that will get the lead out of water. that affects every american and every state actually governing, something donald trump is absolutely incapable of doing. >> thank you for being with us. stick around. we will come back to you later in the hour to discuss how the cease-fire talks are going between hamas and israel. also coming up, congressman jim clyburn was awarded the country's highest civilian honor. you will join us to talk about it. you are watching the weekend. and the preventive t a of episodic migraine in adults.
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we have talked about donald trump himself and the things he was willing to say in the room and we talked about the republican elected officials that want to get up on stage with him in case they have a shot at becoming vice president. you reference to the two people that want to get up on stage for the price of a million dollars. one of them saying he was called by god. and there are a lot of republicans who may not be in the room on the stage. the supreme court doesn't appear likely to sign off on such a broad form. trump would
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lodge such a position and push the envelope. >> i keep going back to lesley stahl she did a panel interview. i'd seen on c-span. she said when it was her, donald trump and her producer in the room, but donald trump talked about the press. lesley stahl was like, it is just as here. no cameras are on mr. president. he goes on to say, i say this so that when you all say things about me, people are more inclined not to believe you and to believe me. he is intentionally trying to muddy the water so you can get what he wants. >> this is a man who has lied his entire life.
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in business. you listen to his trump who shares what it was like in the family. and of course the fact that, as we noted on this program, donald trump said in the courtroom by himself. there was no family around him. now he has found some people to show up to pretend. the one place he does not have to work hard is and said the republic and party which has become so desperate for his touch, his love, his nod of approval that they lost sight of everything they ever stood for. for a lot of republicans sitting inside the party, it has become more difficult for them which pivots back to the more broad political question that symone and i and others have been trying to get folks to focus on. that is the narrative for democrats to have that conversation and bring the
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people in. when you look over, you see what is happening on the stages. you see people falling all over themselves to get to donald trump, to be touched by donald trump, you realize how desperate this party has become and how less of a party it is for you. and so what is the alternative? >> a good, decent man that is joe biden who will govern. >> that will be the case, symone, that the democrats have to make. showing up and showing out why these two men are not just so different but by one is so much better than the other and why it's okay. i'm not going to hate you if you vote for joe biden. your family won't turn their back on you because they will vote for joe biden too. make the case and you have the evidence. you have the evidence and it is harder and harder for them to make the case on the democratic side. >> i don't even know. they just clamber to touch him.
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it is crazy. folks, we have to get into the latest effort to end the violence in the gaza strip. israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, recently released a new statement. we will be back at the table. you are watching "the weekend." she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for over a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur.
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and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he will not accept the hamas demands of a permanent cease-fire in gaza. in the last hour, he released a video message rejecting hamas request for israel to withdraw all troops from the gaza strip in exchange for the release of hostages. hamas just released its own statement signaling that it remains open to a comprehensive deal with negotiators including u.s. officials in cairo this weekend working on a deal. >> as you know, is easy to focus on whatever is happening
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at the moment and this deal is of course critical. in the background, there is a bigger deal brewing, this from the new york times thursday about a potential power-sharing agreement. under the proposal, the arab israeli alliance working with united states would appoint as leaders to redevelop the devastated territory, education system and maintain order. after 7-10 years, the alliance would allow gazans to vote on whether to be absorbed into the united palestinian administration that would govern in both gaza and the israeli occupied west bank according to the proposal. pull back the curtain. you have been in the room with these conversations happening. how do you deal with the crisis at hand and maintain a more holistic approach? >> in government, there is the old saga that every crisis as an opportunity. i think the administration and general on the state department in particular is looking at, how do we solve this on a macro holistic level and not just get a cease-fire? what can you do to bring in a
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new dispensation there. the idea of bringing in the other scenic countries, the uae to administer gaza is a big idea. part of the flaw of the accords that happen under the trump administration is that is where israel made deals with other countries like the uae. the flaw was that they never made a deal for what would happen with the palestinians and at the end of the day, the saudis have said for decades that we are not going to do a deal or treaty with israel unless the palestinian issue is solved. i think the administration is looking at, how can we hit a triple here and figure out palestine and gaza and this new dispensation with the countries in israel? it is a long shot but i think it is a possibility. >> richard, i want to pull back the curtain a little more on netanyahu's statement this morning.
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people may say, here we go again. no movement. where he says he won't accept hamas demands of a permanent cease-fire in gaza. it does not mean that he is in opposition to a cease-fire. there was conversation about what a 30 or 40 days cease- fire, which is part of the discussion. and of course qatar has gotten involved in their are pressures from that angle to kick out the hamas leadership. there are a lot of moving parts in this conversation despite what blanket statement this morning from netanyahu may indicate. >> michael, as you know, when you want to respond to something, you take out the one thing you want to respond to that will make you look good but doesn't change the dynamic. there is no way israel was ever going to agree to a permanent cease-fire. that would be to them, standing down. that would be netanyahu doubling down and he always doubles down. what he didn't say is, i don't
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object to other arab countries coming and administering it to he didn't say, a blanket refusal for two state solution as he has in the past. i came away from his statement encouraged about what is going to happen. and you have hamas saying, this doesn't look terrible to us. that is a big advancement there. >> it is huge. richard, these things don't happen in a vacuum. it is diplomacy at work. it says to me, the conversations president biden has been having with the prime minister, the trips secretary antony blinken has taken to the region and the engagement, the work and the conversations and the meanings the vice president has had, cia director burns is in cairo as we speak at the negotiating table. this strategy of the administration could
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potentially yield what i would argue it seems to be many of the young people on the campuses across the country protesting are looking for. a cease-fire bringing hostages home but a more broad deal for peace. >> yes, symone. i agree with you. one of the things people underestimate is president biden's role. he has been israel's best friend. the fact that netanyahu does not always treat what we do with respect, netanyahu knows that without the united states, israel is completely alone in the world they have become ostracized. i think biden is using the power with the kind of velvet glove to get this larger holistic solution, which i agree with you. this would go down the road of dispelling protests around the country as well. >> thank you so much for sticking around and unpacking this with us we are following
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breaking news from los angeles this morning. police are dismantling the encampment on the university of southern california campus. these are images taken in the last hour from our affiliate in la. this was one of the pro- palestinian protests on dozens of campuses across the country. the university tweeting, "the los angeles police department is clearing the center of upc. if you are in the center of campus, please leave. people who don't leave could be arrested." we will continue to monitor the situation unfolding on the ground. and another state is one step closer to putting abortion- rights on the ballot this november. we have more at the table coming up on "the weekend." wee
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switching is easy at reproductive rights groups and both south dakota and missouri say they gathered enough signatures for amendments to appear on the ballot in november and would
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enshrine abortion access into state constitutions. at least 10 states are in the process of bringing the issue directly to voters in the fall which include arizona where governor katie hobbs signed into law legislation to appeal in near-total abortion ban but a 15 week ban is in place. the president and ceo of planned parenthood joins us. >> alexis, thank you for joining us. planned parenthood puts out this newsletter throughout the weekend updating on how women's rights are being trampled on. in this quickie, i'm noting the momentum happening across the country for the support of the women's ability to make decisions about their own body. i'm wondering what you are seeing on the ground and what you make of these initiatives. many of the signatures needed would surpass the number.
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getting right up to what you need and hundreds of thousands of signatures more than what they need for that. does that tell you anything? >> it tells me a lot. first of all, my team will love that you love the quickie. shout out to the folks gathering that incredible information to help people understand the momentum. i just got back from arizona. i was in florida. the energy is on fire. people are incredibly upset. they understand the stories and have been impacted. they understand the challenges that patients and providers are having to get basic access to abortion healthcare. what it says is we are seeing the numbers that we have seen in the signatures including republicans and independents joining these ballot initiatives. that the majority of people support abortion access.
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there is no state where the ban is popular. and it is an important lesson going into 2024. not only will people be voting for these initiatives and supporting them but the very people who have been trying to block abortion access will be trying to stop it as well. that is an important point. >> given that you have these states largely in the south that have pretty much created a blockade with respect to women's access to reproductive care now having to travel all the way to virginia is probably the next best place to go. what efforts is planned parenthood involved in along with other organizations to assist those women who cannot make that track to someplace else. what are the options, number
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one? and do the options include, if you decide to carry the child to term, here are resources and other information you should know, is there a holistic approach? i know there is the reproductive rights side but the other side as well. how are you dealing with that aspect of the story, given the reality on the ground for a lot of women in states where they can't travel or it is too difficult to travel? >> it is a wonderful question. here is the thing. what happened in florida the last week is devastating. talking about one out of 12 patients that receive access to abortion. almost 80,000 people a year. now having to find out and make a decision and get an appointment within six weeks which we know many people do not. planned parenthood has always been part of a holistic
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community, holistic advice to patients that come in and help them seek the best care they need at any time and talk to them about the range of options and help them with patient navigation getting out of state. i think that is important to remember. that the bans have intensified the work. planned parenthood has always been that trusted advisor in private consultation of's seeking the best options for them and they will continue to do that. they work with various agencies and partners across the board. if people are seeking access to abortion, they will help them get access to abortion where they can and i think that is important to remember. >> entries of the interview with former president donald trump where he says he is open to tracking women's presidency -- pregnancies. >> why would we trust donald trump?
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why would we chose the former president who has told us over and over again that he is proud he gave us a supreme court majority, super majority, really to overturn roe v wade? why would we say this is this pro-life president and then i'm not going to support this national ban? we know he is looking at the political tide. we know he understands that this is not popular. he doesn't say because he cares about the issue. he understands it is not a winning issue for republicans and he believes he should be on the side of a winning issue. >> it comes to something you said to me during the commercial break. we have talked a lot about these referendums and these referendums are critical and there are a lot of races happening that will determine the future of reproductive care including the top of the ticket. >> absolutely. when i think about arizona, it is incredible that we had a moment in arizona this last week where governor katie hobbs, who ran on reproductive freedom, was in a position to sign legislation to stop this
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1864 ban and it is still political football. we need to fight at every level. we need to put the future sender into office. we need to make sure that we are fighting for protection in state constitutions and chart that path for federal legislation and reentry into the u.s. constitution. i think it is important to remember up and down the ballot that it is critically important as well as in all of the state constitutions. that is the only thing that takes it out of the political arena. >> up and down the ballot is important. every member of the house of representatives is up for reelection come this november. the senate is in play. democrats are defending. if you take west virginia off the board. and 11 states will choose new governors. what you are saying is not
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hyperbole and there is a clear contrast here between what democrats will do and what republicans will do. the vice president, vice president harris had this to say about joe biden and donald trump. and i think it applies across the board. take a listen. >> the contrast in the selection could not be more clear. basically, under donald trump, it would be fair game for women to be monitored and punished by the government whereas joe biden and i have a different view. we believe the government should never come between a woman and her doctor. >> that is essentially the conversation. if you take donald trump at the time of the interview, such as him saying that. statelet as it is across the country are saying that. folks that have literally voted and passed legislation who believe women should be criminalized and should not have the ability to make their
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own decisions. that is where the fight is. >> you have to believe people when they tell you who they are. we have seen that with project 2025. they indicated where they want to go. we have to understand that the way to restore abortion access in this country starts with getting a governing majority of reproductive freedom fighters and that includes the biden administration and getting the senate as strong as it can and flipping the house so we have the opportunity to really focus on what federal legislation will look like and build the path back better. >> sounds like a tall order. alexis johnson, thank you very much. next, congressman jim clyburn joined us as we hit six months until election day 2024. be sure to follow our show on social media. the handle everywhere
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and emily clyburn. >> president biden awarded congressman clyburn with the presidential medal of freedom award friday. it is the highest honor bestowed on any civilian in the u.s. the white house said clyburn transformed the lives of millions of americans and created a more free country over the last three decades and congress. the democratic congressman jim clyburn, the south carolina award he himself joins us and as a surrogate for the biden/harris presidential campaign. have to say graduations to my friend, the honorable jim clyburn. >> congratulations. truly the highest honor. can we talk about the awards ceremony in the presidential medal of freedom. you received along with 18 other distinguished individuals. can you just take us inside the moment that we are seeing. what did it feel like? there are only a small group of people in this country that
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have ever had this experience. when we all found out it was you, it was a great day for south carolina. >> thank you all so very much. for the support you have given me over the years. you have been great. i'm sitting here in a county that michael knows very well. >> very well. >> and as i sit there, i received a phone call from the president. and i thought a lot about my parents. they made significant sacrifices and endured a lot of indignities in order to position me and my siblings which we tried to pass on to our children. the qualities necessary to do
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our part to make this country a better place. i like to say we will pursue a more perfect union. it is a great country. we haoles have to keep working to make the greatest of this country are accessible and affordable for all of its citizens. that is what i was thinking about. looking in the faces of my three daughters and my two grandchildren and my great grandchild. my granddaughter was there holding her 1-year-old. i thought about all of that and where the family effort has been to get me to this point. >> what a beautiful reflection. just to echoed symone and michael, many congratulations to you. what an incredible honor.
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in the same week you were receiving the president of medal of freedom, got the former president at a private donor event likening the biden administration to the gestapo. let me read you that. these people are running a gestapo administration. and it is the only thing they have. the only way they are going to win, in their opinion opinion. >> that is just incredible. but it's not surprising. this president is giving hyperbole on every subject he ever approaches. he has an understanding in the country that i thought we left behind more than 100 years ago. but as i watch things happen in the country today, the 1876 presidential election and how this country got off track after the civil war, how we got
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to jim crow. and i want to remind listeners that the presidency of rutherford be hayes, by one vote, jim crow became the law of the land by one single vote. a vote of 8-7. i am the ninth african american to serve the congress of south carolina. they were eight before me. the problem is that there was 95 years between number eight and number nine. why? because the country got off track after the 1876 election and we are approaching the same kinds of elements today, the same kind of rhetoric that we are hearing from donald trump is the kind of rhetoric that took place in that election more at the state levels. that kind of campaign that led to the takeover of the so-
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called redeemers. that is the kind of rhetoric that has taken place today. i have been telling all of my friends. i wish you would take a little time and take a read of all of what was being said back in 1876 and think about what took place january 6, 2021. it is exactly the same thing. the words are different but the meanings are the same. the phrases are so identical. and i know this because i have been hearing today with the democrats need to do. it's not just the democrats. it is about the voters in this country maintain a what this country is all about doing what we can't fulfill the great promise of this country.
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and it is still a promise. and unfulfilled promise. joe biden talks about it all the time. talking about redeeming the soul of america and that is what is necessary. he brought it to me friday. like chuck of the the notion. is not that we are more enlightened than other nations but we have always repaired felts. there are always faults that need to be repaired. joe biden has been working hard to repair those faults. doing something about the climate, a big fault. joe biden biden, saying joe biden is not doing this or that. he is doing a great deal. let us all pitch in as americans and consent the
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effort rather than turning the clock back to that dark place in history that none of us want to over revisit. and that is exactly what is going to happen if we are not careful. i used to tell my students when i was teaching district, i would say to them all the time, anything that happened before can happen again that is a we have to be careful of as we pursue this country's greatness . >> congressman jim clyburn, thank you so much for being with us and congratulations, my friend. what a great honor for the great state of south carolina and for our great nation. we have another hour of "the we can" after this including legal analyst, christy greenberg, former january 6 investigator, marcus childress, congressman pat ryan and our very own, you know him and love him, ali.
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6:00 am
welcome back to "the weekend." the donald trump 2016 election defense trial will resume the new is on the stand. we don't know who is ne


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